ASL®2 Foundation workshop
The training addresses the principles of ASL2 and the defined process framework. The principles and the framework as a whole are discussed, the operational processes ( the clusters of use management, functionalities management and connecting processes), management processes and strategy processes.
This training prepares you for the APMG-examination “ASL2 Foundation”. In the training, the basic subjects and principles of ASL2 are addressed.
The workshop consists of a mix of theory, practical exercises and case studies. There is a lot of room for exchange of experiences, always going back to the theory. The participants will receive hand-outs, exercises and articles plus a practice exam. Target audience: everyone who is active in the area of application management and wants to understand the ASL2 framework en learn the principles of ASL2.
Duration: 2 days.
Number of participants: at least 4 and up to 12.
The workshop is given onsite, in which case attention is given to situational aspects of the client. In addition, we offer in collaboration with Lagant the course to as open enrollment. Registration for these courses is open to all, so that individual subscriptions are also possible.
This workshop prepares on the official public ASL2 Foundation exam by APMG. We can take care of this exam. For the exam specifications and design: see the website of APMG:
ASL® is a Registered Trade Mark of the ASL BiSL Foundation
ASL2: differences with the first version of ASL
In May 2009 is the new ASL-book appeared, in which it renewed ASL model is described. In this workshop focuses on the backgrounds of ASL 2 and on the differences with ASL: what has changed and why. This workshop can be adapted to your needs: just a presentation or also practice assignments. Duration: an hour to a day (in-part).
Target audience: organizations that already use ASL and want to know what has been adjusted in ASL 2 and what means for to them.
ASL2 management overview
In this workshop focus is on the basics of application management and ASL. On the basis of presentations and exercises, the management domain application management is explored, also briefly looking at the other management domains: IT infrastructure management and business information management and the division of activities and cooperation between the three domains. Then the why and the contents of the ASL-model are treated high-level or more detailed, depending on the desire and space. The workshop starts from the theory, but depending on the needs and possibilities, then zooms to specific customer situations.
Target audience: application managers, application managers, IT professionals and Business information managers who want something more to know about the area of application management, which something (more) want to know about ASL and/or are looking for tools to further implement application management and renewal.
Purpose: gain insight in the area of responsibilities of application management and to determine the applicability of ASL and to handle the framework for implementation and improvement of business information management.
ASL2 process implementation and improvement
Depending on your needs and the required depth, we can offer ASL2 practitioner workshops for all processes, from half-day workshops to two days. Main pillars: working from the theory, scattered with practical examples and case studies and assignments.
Examples: Configuration management and Software management, Contract and Service level management, Change management and maintenance and renewal processes, Management processes.